Okay -Mintzy tagged me....(of course from behind....that's his M.O.) Here's the question:
Topic: Have you ever thought someone was cute that, um, say, didn't deserve to be thought of as such. Like serial-killers, or rapists, or bad people?
Okay- I don't think I've ever seen a hot serial-killer or rapist.....so we'll have to move on to bad. many categories of bad....
1. Dennis Leary. Yup-That Dennis Leary. I know, I know- I don't know what it is....but there's just something about him: the crooked nose? the beady eyes? the smoking? the condescendingness? All things I dislike.....but put 'em all together and BAM! Come and pull my hair, Dennis Leary!
2. The jerk who backed out of taking me to the Homecoming Dance my senior year at THIS school. Yup! And even after that...I had the HUGEST crush--so much so that I went out on a date with him my freshman year of college.
3. Okay....I don't know that he doesn't tan well, but he's Irish.....and smokes......and cusses worse than drunk jayne......but one look into those Irish Eyes and I'll give you one guess who'll be smilin' all day...
I don't know about the Bad Planner, but Mr. Bad Manner and Tanner, whew. Wonderful pics~ ;)
i definitely have to agree with you on the delicious colin farrell...mmmm
Well, this is kinda cheating...EVERY girl likes 'bad boys.'
I mean REALLY bad boys...but I'm glad you took on the tag!!
colin farrell looks stupid with long hair and that fake tan but he is cute
Mintzy: rules-schmules...I likes the good boys that look like bad boys.
kfarmer: yup....
lime & boo: uhuh. nothin' more than that.just uhuh.
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