Sunday, January 28, 2007


SGL suggested that I needed to open a can of whup ass. So I went shopping -- and yes it's true: you CAN buy anything on the Internet.

I'm getting my new propane water heater installed tomorrow -- YEAH!!!! No more hauling water in buckets, or showering at the jim--err, gym. I need to wash clothes, do the dishes, change the linens, etc. But top o da list: hot shower for Laura -- err, half-pint -- err APthefrickingJ!

Went to see Tale's End at the Turtledove theatre -- looks to be a good show at the Rogue.

and....speaking of the Rogue..... life is going to get Roguishly busy here -- we had a volunteer meeting this weekend (note to all -- we need you -- YES, YOU!) Got money to round up, stages to rent and build, flyers to post, and money to carry and spend. Dangerous job -- that carrying of money(thanks Mustang! looking forward to using you again!!). Had a really great body guard from London last year. Hoping he's for hire again.

So....perhaps SGL was right! I did need to open that can......


lime said...

well, i am glad your can of whupass got the job done. the water hauling and heating gets OLd fast!

RACHEL said...

yes, "by the dashboard light" was a fun one to watch!

Semi-Gloss Lacquer said... again...
always going to the store, you Rogue people...

(causes blindness, you know, -and hairy palms..)

glad to hear that the hot water is about to happen.

Now it's time to take the nice solar people to court...
(did I say that? moi?
hells yah...
The money that they charge people???
This could be a rather earthshaking moment... when the people of this fair, (cough cough,) valley find out how vulnerable that thar tech is to one lil ol 'freeze,' (like it was single digits... (what wuss equipment.)

I think you stumbled upon a problem that the fair people of Fresburg, Even Clovis, (heck, lets throw in Madera,,, and all of her little ranchos, --should be made aware of....)

---You could come out on top of this in a tidy way, there, halfpint...

KFarmer said...

Now that's my girl- I hope you opened up a BIG can :) They last longer (or so I'm told:)

lecram sinun said...

just keep a can of that stuff around and bodyguards... eh!

keda said...

i love it! and i need a can of that for myself.

despite being a scorpio too i'm a little flat these days. you just woke me up :)

airplanejayne said...

lime - can, good. cold, bad.

rachel - "do you love me? will you love me forever?" ah....memories...

SGL - sorry...had to go shave hands, again....damn

kfarmer -'s true: size DOES matter.

SGL -, again!

keda -- glad you came by!! You can borrow my can anytime.

Lecram - can, good. Bodyguard, better. (note to self: don't use can on bodyguard)

Cosima said...

Congrats on the new water heater! You forgot to post the "rent a bodyguard" link. I want one myself.