I love trees. Some of you read this Ode to the Leaf. My love of leaves is obvious -- as (should be) my love of where they come from.

And yet -- they're out to get me. THIS IS NOT PARANOIA.
Remember this incident? How many 100 ft Acacia trees are there in San Francisco? But the one with wobbly footing decides to crush my car....
And then this morning.....I walk out to the garage this morning.
I forgot to put the car in the garage! It'll be covered in dewy stuff and all....I might need to wash it--
::vvrrrooommmm:: (that's the noise the garage door makes)
Wow! Those leaves and that branch sure look low -- they're almost
I think the tree fell on my car. Again.

So.....I walk around to the other side.....
::sigh of relief:::

It seems to have missed the car. But I've got to go to work!!! Can I get the car out of the driveway? Pull forward. Turn. Back up, turn wheel tight. ::crap:: is that a scrapy noise? Pull forward, turn again. Back up, s-l-o-w-l-y, turning wheel t-i-g-h-t-l-y. ::crap:: Don't fall into the drainage hole on the left side.
::sigh:: I think I'm clear.

HOLY COW!!! I made it around that!?!?!?!?
Damn.....I'm good.
Anybody up for a chainsaw party?
dang girl, what HAVE you done to irk them?? i am thinking chainsaws might make them angrier.
Holy Moly!
I think it's time you start hugging more trees.....
the word might get around that you're not so bad after all...
P.S. Thank goodness the silver bullet is okay!!! :)
I don't kow what it is but there's definitely something up with you and trees and your car! Lesson be learned! Always park in the garage!!! :P
things I like about this post...
1. ::vvrrrooommmm:: (that's the noise the garage door makes)
2. chainsaw party?
Why am I not surprised you drive a sports car? :)
You are good :)
The trees, the trees are marching ...!!
Wow, you must stay indoors on Arbor Day....
Congrats on the Post of the Day Award from David's authorblog! I love leaves, too. (:
Nice car, perhaps the tree thinks so too...!
CJ xx
Ug. What a bummer. I am a tree hugger, maybe you didn't spend enough time with that one, or, it has weavels (they weaken the tree and take old during time of drought), congats on your POTD!
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