Sunday, September 24, 2006


So Lecram got me hooked on this image story generator.
"What are you putting in there, APj?"
"Nothing.... but I wish there was a way to save the stories--"
"There is! Just--"
And the Wizard proceeds to hook me up with a screen capture program. Which is, of course, free (which is just the way Lecram likes it -- free!!!!)

So here are some of my favorite stories (so far):

I know, I KNOW!!!! Stop now.....while you still can......


lecram sinun said...

I just love how people blame me for their addictions.

Anonymous said...

Since lecram posted the link, I have been addicted too :).

KFarmer said...

I blame no one- - - -- -- --- and damn it, you know when I get a minute I'll be playing with the damn thing... lol :)