Monday, March 12, 2007

Throat drama redeux

...feeling very deja vu....

Been sounding very Lauren Bacallish lately -- which, although it sounds quite sexy, feels like hell on the vocal chords. Kinda like irritating -
like sand.....or a rash......or squeaky voices.......or whiney voices......or the voices in my head......

According to Doc --seen this A.M. after a weekend of acid
-err, that's acid reflux, not the kind you drop...

and upchuck (yes, that kinda does drop)...

it appears that I probably have something on the chords again. "Many patients develop nodules and polyps on the scar tissue after a tumor is removed," assured the doctor this morning.


So, one prescription for acid (eliminator, not the other kind), an admonition to watch the spicy stuff, and a referral to my ENT doc (who is not available until May) and I was back in my classroom by 2nd period.

::Music, Maestro, please::

Tell me why?
I don't like Mondays.
Oh tell me why?
I don't like Mon-days.
Tell me why?
I want to sho-o-o-ot......



lime said...

seems you've got good reason to dislike monday's. hoping for an easy resolution

KFarmer said...

That's some fairly nasty stuff- Hope you find what's stiring the gurgles and you are fit and frisky soon :)Coke (soft drinks) were my demon and I've not had one in YEARS. I often dream of Dr. Pepper .. .. ... ;)